May is recognized as Older Americans Month, and there is no better time than the month of May for older Americans to make sure that they know the law surrounding their assets and estates. With age comes the rising likelihood that somebody might try and take advantage of you or your estate—fraud can be hard to recognize, and knowing the law and talking with elder law professionals like us at Rheinhardt and Bray are important steps in keeping yourself safe.
We’re Here for YOU
We aren’t looking to sell you something, or convince you that you need to sign anything or enroll in any programs that aren’t needed. We want to make sure you know the law as it pertains to your assets, who has access to your legal documentation, and the projected future for your assets and estate. These are all things that are of the utmost importance as you get older. There are far too many people out there that will be looking to take advantage of you and take a cut of what you have earned throughout your lifetime. The AARP has found that while Americans over 60 account for far less than 50% of the population, they count for nearly that much a percentage of Americans who fall victim to fraud. It is important to always know the motivation of those dealing with your assets, and know everything that is happening around you pertaining to your legal rights.
Probate Professionals
It’s not something many of us want to talk about, but knowing the goings on with your will is a very important aspect of aging. If you do not have a will that has been looked over by elder law professionals then you are going to want to come in and speak with us and get everything in order. If you do not have a well-prepared will, it is difficult to make sure your loved ones and your estate aren’t taken care of by predatory parties or entities. Rheinhardt and Bray can help you with everything associated with Probate and Trust Administration, and will walk you and your loved ones through the process all the way through the final dotted “i” and crossed “t.”