Rheinhardt & Bray

Recognizing Malnutrition in Older Adults

Malnutrition, which happens when the body does not get the nutrients it needs, is a major concern for seniors. Life-threatening malnutrition disproportionately affects those 85 and older. Recognizing malnutrition can help family members and caregivers know when to seek out medical care and assistance for their aging loved one.

What Is the Lifeline Program?

The Lifeline Program is a federal program that works to lower the cost of phone and internet services for low-income American households. With the reduced costs that Lifeline provides its customers, seniors can stay connected on a budget.

Most US Workers Say They Will File for Social Security Early

To secure the maximum amount in monthly Social Security retirement benefits, Americans must wait until full retirement age to start receiving their payouts. Results from a 2023 survey show that most of today’s workers know about this stipulation – and yet the vast majority say they’re willing to file for their Social Security benefits early anyway.

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